Support for pupils includes:
Support for families includes:
Adults – Customer Services, CARE DIRECT, Adult Social Care, Devon County Council – Telephone: 0345 155 1007 Out of hours – 0345 6000 388
Children – Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 155 1071 or email mashsecure@devon.gov.uk Out of hours – 0345 6000 388
Generally – https://www.pinpointdevon.co.uk/
Household Support Fund
Local residents struggling to make ends meet can apply for help under a new Household Support Fund just launched in Teignbridge.
The new fund will help households in need with food, energy and water bills as well as other essential living costs such as clothing, bedding, fridges, freezers or cookers. In exceptional cases money from the fund can be used to help people struggling to manage their housing costs and who are not covered by existing support schemes.
Teignbridge District Council has been working with Devon County Council and Citizens Advice Teignbridge to help make sure support is provided as quickly as possible to Teignbridge people who need help.
Unlike previous grant funding there are no nationally imposed eligibility rules and no cap on the amount a family in need can receive. Each application will be considered on its merit and anyone living in Teignbridge can apply if they are aged over 16 and unable to meet their immediate short-term financial needs.
The new Household Support Fund replaces the Covid Hardship Fund. For more information see https://www.teignbridge.gov.uk/householdsupportfund
Anyone unable to apply online can call Citizens Advice Teignbridge on its dedicated Household Support Fund number (01626 326123) or can call our customer support team on 01626 361101 (Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5pm. Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm).
Food banks
Newton Abbot (Buckland) and Teignbridge – can deliver
THAT Foodbank (Teignbridge Homeless Action Today)
THAT Place, 8 Queensway House, Buckland, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4BA.
Monday to Wednesday: 11am – 2pm. Thursday and Friday: 10am – 1pm.
01626 437310.
Newton Abbot (Kingsteignton) – can deliver
HITS Foodbank (Homeless in Teignbridge Support)
Abbrook Park, Strap Lane, Kingsteignton, Newton Abbot, TQ12 3PS.
Call to arrange. 01626 906371.
Community Fridge
The Courtenay Centre on Kingsteignton Road houses Newton Abbot’s first Community fridge. The fridge is available for local people to either take food that isn’t going to be used from shops and supermarkets, or surplus food items donated by local people. The aim is to prevent food wastage whilst also giving people a helping hand.
The fridge is packed full of all sorts of veg including carrots, cauliflowers, potatoes and sprouts. If you are planning a feast please help yourselves to whatever you can use. The food is available free of charge for anyone who can use it.
Citizens Advice Adviceline is a Citizens Advice telephone helpline providing free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on issues including benefits, debt, housing, employment and relationship or consumer enquiries. 0800 144 8848.
Adolescent Parenting Course (PPAP) – South and West Devon The Parents Plus Adolescents Programme considers how parents/carers can connect with and build good relationships with their teenage children (aged 11-16), while also being firm and influential in their lives.
Parent Carer Forum Devon Are parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). They are all volunteers who want to make things better for the families, children and young people of Devon. Their aim is to make sure that services provided by education, health and care meet the needs of children with SEND and their families.
Running Deer Family Services Running Deer Family Intervention Service works directly with families and young people utilising benefits of biophilia (being out in nature), bushcraft, equine assisted and creative interventions to provide a package of support to meet your needs.
Home Start Being a parent has never been easy. It can be lonely, frustrating, heart breaking and over-whelming. All parents struggle at one time or another. Home-Start’s expert staff and trained volunteers work alongside families just like yours to give non-judgmental, compassionate and confidential support. They help you regain confidence and be the parent you want to be.
Parenting Support – Action for Children Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust.
Early Help – Devon Children and Families Partnership (dcfp.org.uk) Early Help is the extra support your family can get if you need it. It may be that you want to prevent a problem, or change things for your family before the problem becomes more serious.