We see Physical Education as fundamental to the development of the whole child. We aim to give children the physical confidence necessary to choose activity as part of a long-term healthy lifestyle.
Our aim is to deliver high-quality PE and School Sport for all children.
Key Stage 1 – children learn mainly through the ‘Leap into Life’ programme which includes modules on Functional movement, Aesthetic movement, Movement concepts and Manipulative skills and Handball.
Key Stage 2 – children learn through Tag Rugby, Handball, Netball, Swimming, Athletics, Games and Outdoor Activities (Summer Term).
Swimming lessons ensure that all children can swim 25m by the end of KS2 and we also provide Bikeability training so that children can stay safe while using bikes for leisure and fitness. Children in Year 6 are given the opportunity to take part in a residential trip which promotes self-reliance, confidence, social skills, problem-solving, cooperation and more.
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2