At All Saints Marsh C of E Academy, we recognise the importance of safeguarding each and every one of our children; we create a culture of safeguarding.
* We work hard to establish and maintain a school environment where our children feel safe, happy and secure and where children know that they will be listened to in an open, positive and nurturing atmosphere.
* We ensure that all of our children know they can approach any member of staff if they are in difficulty or if they are worried about anything.
* We actively seek the views of children; we listen to them, value them and involve them in decision making about their school and their education
Our culture of safeguarding includes;
– Open communication with children and their families
– A dedicated e-safety week. We work with Torbay Virtually Safe to deliver this
– A cycle of working with CAP (Child Assault Prevention) – training for both our children and teacher
– Working in partnership with the NSPCC with annual assemblies and workshops
– Family Groups, where discussions visit aspects of safeguarding
– A child-friendly safeguarding policy
– Staff who receive regular safeguarding updates and training.
– Designated Safeguarding Leads who work collaboratively across the Trust to keep their own practice up to date and also ensure that appropriate training is disseminated to staff throughout the year.
In short, safeguarding pupils is the most important responsibility of our academy – . it is our number one priority.
What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused.
Working Together to Safeguard ChildrenÂ
View our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policies.
Safeguarding our children is our number one priority and empowering children to stay safe is an important part of our curriculum for the children. We empower children to understand how to keep themselves safe. We teach children to understand that their body belongs to them and how to tell an adult if they are worried or upset about something.
The children and staff have worked together to write a child-friendly Safeguarding Policy. We not only display this around the academy but we review it each year through our Family Groups.
Each year the children work with Devon Child Assault Prevention Team (CAP) where they enjoy workshops and assemblies to give them age sensitive information in a fun and informative manner.
We work with the NSPCC through their assembly workshops and their online resources to help children feel empowered to keep themselves safe and who they can talk to. We use the fun materials and resources linked to the Underwear Rule.
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mr L O'Sullivan