Year 6 pupils at All Saints Marsh C of E Academy and Dunsford Community Academy, who are part of the Learning Academy Partnership (LAP) enjoyed an exciting residential on Dartmoor at the Dartmoor Training Centre, nestled on the banks of the West Dart River in the heart of the Dartmoor National Park. The Centre lies in a tranquil, secluded valley with easy access to the open moor making it a perfect base for exploring Dartmoor. It provided a perfect opportunity for the children to experience new activities after working so hard in their SATS.
One of our Trust Beliefs is being ‘Stronger Together’ and children and staff at All Saints Marsh C of E Academy recently joined with their friends from Dunsford Community academy for a Residential trip to Dartmoor.
Staying at the Dartmoor Training Centre, the Year 6’s quickly made new friends from across the 2 schools who are both part of the Learning Academy Partnership (LAP) and worked together over the 3 days trip to embrace the adventurous activities. The pupils all demonstrated our school values of trust, perseverance and courage and all had a go at the activities, developing self belief and memories which will last a lifetime.
The weather was glorious and they showed great resilience and courage to undertake some very exciting new opportunities, including a night walk on the moors and watching a spectacular sunset at Laughter Tor, climbing and weaselling at Hound Tor, archery. And not to forget cooling off and having a splash in the River Dart.
Teambuilding was a hit! The communication skills that went into this with their new found friends was superb. Despite several failed attempts, they responded positively to the feedback and bounced back- lifelong skills and the foundation to positive friendships. The children have already started to organise pen pals and further trips and activities to each others schools!
Residential trips are a foundation of the LAP’s Trust Charter and the teams at All Saints and Dunsford truly went the extra mile to enable more pupils to attend by seeking community funding. Family Support Lead, Mrs Webber, successfully applied for additional funding from the local Community and Locality Fund from Teignbridge DC and DCC to lower the cost for parents and carers.
For many of the children it was their very first time staying away from home and facing such challenge, but they truly embraced it ‘You cannot be what you cannot see’ and they came back inspired for working outdoors and having a new found love of nature and adventure. We cannot wait to see who will be the rock climbers, rangers and explorers of the future!
Childrens Voice…..
This is the best place EVER!
I’ve loved making new friends and have lots of activities planned to meet up again!
I didn’t think I’d enjoy the climbing, but I was awesome at it!
I have never done weaselling before, but it was so much fun climbing and scrambling through rocks!
If you are interested in joining our Academy please contact us on 01626 365293 and or visit www.allsaintsmarsh-lap.co.uk or admin@allsaits.org