Happy Holidays with the Healthy Activity Fund
Children across Devon schools in the Learning Academy Partnership (LAP) have received a super surprise and have been awarded £15,000 from the Devon Heathy Activities Fund (HAF) from the Department of Education.
The Fund supports children to eat more healthily, be more active over the school holidays and have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition as well as be more engaged with school and other local services. It provides a wide range of support for families and goes well beyond the delivery of food and activities: it is a point of contact for children and families during holiday periods that can be vital for them in accessing support and services. We also know that children benefit from being together, being sociable, engaging in activities with friends and having fun.
This Christmas, with the assistance of the HAF, our Senior Administrators, Mrs Webber and Mrs Brodie have organised and provided our local families with a super selection of fabulous food, Christmas crafts, family fun and lots more, including a selection of:
Local suppliers have taken part in the project and been able to make Christmas extra special for families, including Riverford Organic Farm, Tinkys Treats, Scott Cinemas, No Limits Café, Dartington Trust and Tesco.
Tracey Cleverly, Trust Lead for the Learning Academy Partnership, said: “This fund has enabled us to provide our children with some wonderful experiences and gifts this Christmas. By working together as a School Trust, we are incredibly proud that we have secured this funding. It is lovely to know that we have been able to help our children have a wonderful Christmas through the fund. Special thanks must go to Mrs Brodie and Mrs Webber who put the application together in a matter of days.”
If your child was born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018, you can now apply for a Reception place in our School Trust for September 2022. Please contact our Admissions Officer on admissions@lapsw.org or telephone 01626 365293.