Fundraising at its Finest!

Children from academies across Devon united for a worthwhile cause close to their hearts.

Mrs Wilton is a teacher at Warberry C of E Academy and her son, Frazer, has recently been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The family set out to raise money in order to provide him with the relevant medical equipment to meet his needs and to make the time that he has left as happy and comfortable as possible.

All eight primary academies and nurseries in the Learning Academy Partnership came together to take part in a MAT-wide fundraising day to support Frazer. Children and staff were invited to come in dressed in something silly for a donation for “Wear Something Silly Day”. Some of the academies also held cake sales in the playground and in the staff rooms to raise funds.

Mrs Wilton and Frazer popped into Warberry C of E Academy on the day to see all of the fantastically silly outfits, and to thank everyone for their support.

Mrs Wilton said “I feel incredibly proud to be part of the Trust family. The love, care and support shown for Frazer and our whole family, by the entire community, has blown us away. We really are so very grateful and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Heads, Senior Leaders and clergy even took part at the Church of England Church School Leaders Conference where Frazer was mentioned in the Eucharist prayers.

Mrs Bone, Executive Head of Ilsham and Warberry, said “Being part of our Multi Academy Trust is to be part of something greater than we could ever be alone but some days are just extra special and today was one of those days.”

The total raised so far across the academies is £2,200 and still rising! If you would like to donate or find out more about Frazer please visit their JustGiving page:

Fundraising at its Finest!